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marcus licinius crassus

a brief bio

87 BCE: Marius and Cinna seized power. 

Yellow clouds
Centurions lead the charge in Rome. They hunt down nobles. Marius and Cinna. Roman History Comic. gif
empty box2.png

They hunted down

the noble class. 

Nobles flee
Crassus's family is slain. Roman History Comic.
young Crassus escapes rome by ship. Roman History, History Comic
Baby Crassus hides while his family is killed. History Comic
Crassus' father and brother were among the slain.
Crassus escapes Marius and Cinna by ship.
SO with 10 servants and 3 friends, Crassus fled to Spain.
Where he hid in a cave for eight months.
Crassus managed to escape but he knew he wasn't safe for long.

* We're drawing Crassus as a baby seagull here because at this point, Plutarch continually refers to his age as "very young" and baby chicks are funny looking. But, really, when you do the math he was like 26 or 28. 

Years later, Crassus would become the wealthiest man in Rome, 


and victim to one of Rome's most embarrassing military defeats. 

Roman History Comic, Crassus walks Roman legion into the desert, at the battle of Carrhae.
Crassus and friends hide and survive in a cave.
Comic panel, Marcus Crassus hides.
Basket of food or Crassus.
Crassus survived in his cave with the help of a family friend. Text Bubble, Comic Panel.
Who secretly supplied Crassus with food. Text bubble panel.
... and women. Text bubble panel.

* According to Plutarch, the women were treated nicely. Take that as you will.

In 84 BCE, when Cinna was killed in a mutiny,

Cinna being attacked in a mutiny. Roman History Comic
Cinna afraid of mutiny. Ancient Roman History Comic.
Cinna about to be killed

Crassus joined Sulla in civil war against Marius' supporters

Sulla asks Marcus Crassus to recruit the Marsi People. Roman History Comic
Sulla and Marcus crassus talk. The Marsi people are in enemy territory.

Despite Sulla's clear preference for Pompey, 

Crassus is upset.
Sulla likes Pompey more than Crassus.
Marcus Crassus, Pompey, and Sulla all talk. Roman history comic

Crassus was the one who saved Sulla's feathers in the battle for Rome against the Marians. (Marius's supporters) 

The Battle of Colline gate. 

Crassus at the battle of Colline Gate

Crassus held strong, while sulla's army began to break. Crassus routed the enemy's left-wing, and chased them until nightfall. News of Crassus' total victory rallied Sulla's men, inspiring a successful counter attack. 

Battle of Colline gatw
empty box2.png

and chased them

until nightfall. 

Sullia fighting Marians
Sullia talking to Crassus after battle of Colline Gate

Crassus started the first firefighting brigade!

Except it was a little diffrent than the firefighting teams we have today. 

Crassus and the fire brigade
Crassus are you going to save my house?
Crassus makes a deal for burning house
Crassus wants to buy homes on fire
its on fire
Crassus makes a deal

Fires were common in Ancient Rome, and Crassus was this as a money-making opportunity. 

Either sell the house for cheap to Crassus and he puts the fire out...

Sell the house and Crassus will put the fire out

Or watch it burn down. 

Crassus walks away from buring building
Plebian house buring down
Don't Worry Plebian

* Also Crassus got a lot of property from Sulla, who was auctioning off the homes of the Marians. Crassus had no problem being a war profiteer. 

Spartacus breaks out of Capua

Meanwhile, in gladiator school. 


Spartacus and about 70 gladiators broke free from Capua.

* A particularly harsh gladiator school.

Spartacus revolt
Spartacus becomes a threat to rome defeating lentulus and Cassius

Spartacus quickly proved himself to be a serious threat to Rome

Spartacus and Crassus duke it out
Spartacus is injured
Crassus crucified 6,000 gladiators

* Spartacus's body was never found. 

Crassus teamed up with Pompey and Caesar, forming an unofficial political alliance called the first triumvirate.

Crassus, Caesar, Pompey look at the clouds

He and Pompey became consuls together. 

Pompey and Crassus become consuls

But then didn't agree on anything and literally got nothing done.

Crassus and Pompey dont get along as consuls
Caesar Pompey and Crassus are up to no good

Then over the next few years,

Crassus is gonna invade Parthia

So, despite peace treaties, and general disapproval, Crassus was granted a military command to invade Parthia. 

The Parthian campaign started off ok...

Crassus is named Imperator
Roman soldier questions Crassus

* Imperator was a title given to a general by his troops after an especially great victory. 

Dont second guess your imperator

but then it got worse,

Crassus is surrounded
This is your Fault

and ended very badly.

Crassus head on a plate

The battle of Carrhae went down in history as one of Rome's most embarrassing defeats.

check out the full story here:

Thank you for reading! and as always,

tips and donations are always appreciated!


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