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Battle of Pharsalus comic panel, animated gif
Aftermath of pharsalus, Julius Caesar stands in ruins.
Caesar looks for Brutus after Pharsalus. Any sign of Brutus?
Caesar thinks.
You have mail. Caesar recives news about Brutus after Pharsalus.
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar Mail.
Caesar reads a letter.
Caesar reads a letter.

One year prior, Brutus stood against Caesar when he marched on Rome. 

"Pompey, I know you're responsible for the death of my father. I never really liked you"
Brutus sides with Pompey
Julius Caesar gets letter from Brutus
Brutus says sorry to Caesar
Caesar and Brutus Hug it out
Caesar wants Brutus to become governor of Gaul.
Brutus and Caesar best buds photograph
Caesar declares himself dictator for life. "I'm dictator for life now"

So after Pharsalus, Brutus stood behind Caesar.

But Caesar started to act suspiciously

king-like, and senators started to notice...

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The walls of the city

started talking to Brutus.

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Since Brutus was directly related to Lucius Junius Brutus,

Brutus wake up! graffiti
Brutus related to Lucius Junius Brutus. Family tree gif.
Brutus walks through graffiti. "if only now you were Brutus" "we need a Brutus" "where are you Brutus"
Brutus walks in the shadow of Lucius Junius Brutus, the man who exiled the last king of Rome, so that Rome would never have to endure another tyrant.
Cassius knocks on Brutus's door gif.
Cassius talks to Brutus about killing Caesar. "Hey Brutus, I want to talk to you about something-"

Brutus had a reputation for virtue and goodness.

Brutus is shocked gif
Cassius: "about killing caesar."

If Brutus joined the assassins, it would give the conspiracy legitimacy.

Brutus ponders and thinks
Cassius taunts "Brutus"
Cassius tells Brutus "For the Republic."

On March 15th 44BCE, Brutus, Cassius, Decimus, and other senators took the fate of the Republic into their own hands. 

Brutus, Cassius, Decimus, plot to kill Caesar.

Together, they assassinated Caesar. 

Caesar faces Brutus, as Brutus weilds a knife. "even you Brutus" "et tu Brute"
Caesar is attacked. Animated gif fight cloud. The Bird Brain.

The story goes that Caesar stopped fighting back when he saw Brutus amongst his attackers. 

The general public (who loved Caesar) didn't take it very well. 

Cassius and Brutus flee Rome gif.
Brutus, Cassius, Decimus, run outside after killing Caesar. they proclaim that the republic is safe and Caesar is dead.
Roman people are shocked, Brutus and Cassius get scared.
Roman people get angry and declare Brutus and Cassius Murderers.
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Brutus and Cassius fled

to the east to re-group.

* Decimus went north, but

  that's another story.

The fate of the republic was up in the air.

Choose your charater. Caesar's assassins VS second triumvirate. Lepidus, Ocatavian, Mark Antony, Brutus, Cassius, Decimus. Gif.

42 BCE: The battle of Philippi

Brutus and Cassius had good positioning and stable supply lines.

Antony did not.

Battle of philippi, Brutus routs Octavian's camp.
Cassius's flank was protected by the marshes. Mark Antony plans an attack. Battle of Philippi 42 BCE.
Battle of philippi. Mark Antony defeats Cassius. gif
Mark Antony covertly started building a walkway to cross the marsh behind Cassius's defences. But the plan was discovered.
unfortunately, cassius misread the battle, and thought Brutus had also been defeated.
believing all was lost, Cassius prematurely committed suicide.
Brutus morns the death of Cassius. "Cassius was the last of the Romans" It was his birthday.
Battle of Philippi Antony was running out of supplies and time. Troops are hungry. For three weeks Brutus denied the start of a feild battle.
are you really going to let them talk to you like that?
Antony's men taunt Brutus's army. "fight us cowards" "you stink"
fight us cowards
Brutus gives in "ok fine"
Brutus gives in "ok fine"

but on October 23 he gave in.

Mark Antony charges forward. Battle of Philippi part 2
Brutus and Mark Antony give riviting speaches to their armies.
March forward on behalf of the senate and the people of Rome! In the cause of liberty, the greatest source of hope in war is the justice of ones cause. We are on the edge of starvation, for us the present situation is so urgent, that nothing can be put off until tomorrow. A decision on everything has to be reached today, whether it be total victory or death.

The fighting was well-matched, but Antony managed to get the upper hand and broke the enemy line. 

Antony's victory was decisive.

Brutus escaped the rout.
Brutus comits suicide, "our enemies have destroyed justice"
Brutus hands over his sword. It is only for my country that I am dismayed...
Brutus says "I will die happy knowing none of my friends have been false to me"
and that my reputation of virtue will be unachievable to my enemies,
Soldier is a Decoy for Brutus Roman history comic

When Antony found the body he had it draped in his richest commander's cloak.

Mark Antony and Octavian find Brutus's Body. Roman History comic.
Mark Antony and Octavian drape Brutus with a commanders cloak.
Mark Antony and Octavian cover Brutus's body. Of all the conspirators, only Brutus was moved by goodness.

Thousands of years later, Brutus is still remembered as a man of virtue.

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